Our services
Operational Resilience
How we manage the risk of extreme disruptions to operations is changing. In addition to business continuity procedures, firms are increasingly looking to enhance their resilience so they are better able to withstand disruptions and minimise impacts, as well as being able to recover from them when they happen.
We have helped many organisations implement full Operational Resilience programmes, to meet new Operational Resilience regulations issued by the FCA, PRA & Bank of England in the UK
Important Business Services & Impact Tolerances – We can help you define your important business services and their associated impact tolerances using methodologies developed to meet regulatory requirements
Dependency Mapping – We have helped firms undertake dependency mapping of their organisation. We partner with firms offering the latest technology to enable you to mature the level of sophistication of mapping within your organisation
Scenario Testing – Drawing on years of experience of running crisis management scenarios and Red Team exercises, we assist firms to undertake scenario testing for Operational Resilience. We can enable you to undertake increasingly challenging and realistic scenarios to test your organisation's resilience. As with all testing at Westbourne our ethos is "If it doesn't feel real, then what's the point?"
Self- Assessment, Policy & Framework – Self-Assessment and Policy and Frameworks underpin any Operational Resilience programme. We can help you develop these to a level that is appropriate for your organisation.
Assurance – We offer independent assurance from experts on all aspect of Operational Resilience from both regulatory compliance and best practice perspectives

Business Continuity & Crisis
We work hard to build, grow and maintain our business and they are worth protecting in the event of serious disruptions. We ensure that companies are as well prepared as they need to be to be able to cope and survive when things go wrong.
Whatever stage you business is at we can help you, from developing business continuity plans, to enhancing a global business continuity programme.
Our team has a wealth of crisis management experience gained from real experience working on a series of major incidents over the last 15 years, from terrorism to tsunamis. We draw on this to help companies implement crisis management practices and to develop dynamic and realistic crisis exercises.
Third Party Risk Management
A modern company is not an island, it is the centrepiece of a connected eco-system of different entities including suppliers, partners, clients and counterparties, and like any system it is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. We help by offering progressive solutions to managing third party risk.
We have helped implement, manage and improve third party risk management programmes to meet global financial regulatory requirements including in the UK, USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, & Switzerland
We can help you to develop a full third party risk managemnt programme that covers all areas of third party risk management including scoping, risk assessment, due diligence, contracting, ongoing monitoring and management of third parties, and exit planning

Red Team activities
“Red Team” testing is the next generation of ethical hacking and testing – but instead of systems and networks, we challenge processes, key controls and physical security.
We work with clients to develop custom scenarios to test the companies procedures and identify weaknesses. Red Team operations are conducted live in real time. Types of simulation include:
Fraud – attempting to defraud payments processes, like supplier
payments, margin / collateral payments, expense fraud and more
Money Laundering – attempting to bypass anti-money laundering
Physical Security Breach – attempting to get into secured areas of company premises, like a trading floor, open plan office or server room.